Friday, June 1, 2012

Day 485.

Last year, on this day, I walked out of the side door of my old home and stepped into our small concrete yard in the morning, ready to go to work, and it was hailing. I began to cry and walked back inside, had to go find my partner at the time and have him tell me it was going to be okay.

I like marking the days like this. Next June 1st, I will look back and maybe not remember this day at all, or maybe remember it as the day I woke up and got on a conference call about Disability Justice, got canceled on by a friend, and hung out with another friend and talked about healing and intentional self-work and relationships while lounging by the Fairyland sign.

I look forward to these markers. I look forward to looking back and remembering, last year, such and such thing happened, not having anything to do with my ex, or my old home, or my old sadness, or the hail on the first day of June. I look forward to next year. I look forward to the days to come. I look forward.

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